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Bible Verse of the Day

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Hi, We always hear news on unity these days. What does unity mean? We are called to be united in Christ Jesus. We should stay united with people from all walks of life. Unity is not about having the same opinions with each other. Unity is about sharing the same common goal with each other. For example, unity in Christ Jesus, united about certain policies, career or global issues like global warming and save the environment. Unity means being tolerable and respectful to people from all walks of life and backgrounds. This include respecting each other's culture, tradition and the way we do things. There are several good things that we can learn and embrace from each other too. Unity means we can be friends with people from all walks of life without insulting each other. When I studied in Melbourne, I have friends from different countries such as Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, China, India, Vietnam, Thailand, and Hong Kong. We don't have any issues being friends with each other at all. All of us may have different opinions on certain things. This does not mean we are not united. We are merely sharing with each other about what is good and what alternatives do we have to reach the goal. Every decision or opinion has its pros and cons. In the end, we will choose a decision or decisions which benefits all (A win win situation) where everyone is satisfied out of outcome. It may even be a compromise or win lose but it is the best solution. Our opinions may be different but when the reason(s) of why this / these should be chosen or should not be chosen is / are explained, everyone will have a clear understanding on what is happening. In the end, the goal is achieved. Listening to others is perhaps the key aspect to unity. We should listen to each other and make the best possible answer to the issue on hand. There may be dissatisfaction among certain parties but it needs to be addressed correctly. Detailed explanations should be told to the parties / stakeholders involved on why the solution or the correct way to handle it is chosen. As a result, these things or issues may be resolved in the best manner possible. For Christians, these are several goals and things that we are united in:
  • Worship God (includes every point stated below and singing praises to God)
  • Prayer - praying for the nation, world, for each other and for our family and friends
  • Evangelism - direct and indirect (We need to have both because each one of us have different skills and abilities to do so. Together we will achieve the goal.)
  • Living - Living out our lives as authentic Christians. Our character, lifestyle, actions, behaviour, speech should be the same as that of Jesus Christ and God the Heavenly Father
  • Fellowship with one another among others
  • Church policies / traditions - This should be the same among all church members
Let's say we go to a restaurant or coffee shop. Everyone ordered nasi lemak except me. I ordered something else healthier. Does that mean I am not united with them? The answer is no. I merely made the choice of choosing something healthier. We respect each other's decision whether or not we choose the nasi lemak. Sometimes, more than one person may not choose nasi lemak also. Or to solve a particular issue, person A proposes Solution A and person B proposes B. After a round of discussions, Solution B is the right method to solve it. Person A might feel a little unhappy about that but he understands why Solution B is chosen. He agrees with it. We are united in solving the issue. It is not that the group does not have unity among its team members. That's all, Rogerkoo

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