Hi All,
God made us equal. He made different tribes and nations, each with distinctive elements. He made us all different from one another.
Most countries nowadays consist of multiple nations or has a multi-cultural society such as Malaysia, Singapore, U.S, United Kingdom, Australia, France, Germany, Indonesia, Thailand and China. Malaysia has Malays, Chinese and Indians being the major races and our aboriginies (Orang Asli) in parts of Pahang, Sabah and Sarawak. In Sabah and Sarawak, there are more than 10 ethnic groups ranging from Kadazan, Bajau to Murut. There are ex-patriates in our country too.
Chinese are also very adaptable people. I can see Chinese in all the countries that I've visited so far namely Australia, Thailand and Indonesia and others such as UK, US and European countries. The presence of the Chinese community is all there. They are not only in China but all over the world.
Unity and harmony are perhaps the terms that we heard often in multi-cultural societies. All people from all walks of life live in unity among each other. An example is Australia whereby there is little discrimination to those from other races. I have an Australian friend, Michael who likes Chinese food. International students at Australian universities mixed well with Australians and other countries. There are Asian colleagues who are performing well together with their Australian colleagues. Everyone is living peacefully and harmoniously with one another. We are comfortable with one another.
In a multi-cultural society, we can experience different cultures and lifestyle. We will develop tolerance, respect and unity towards each other. We should not look down on others or show discrimination towards others. We contributed to the country with one another. When we live in a multi-cultural society, we should not be bias toward one another and yet in some countries, there are still people who do not get it. It may not be the case of being bias but the circumstances that we are in and the experiences that we have gained made us to feel that way. It happens commonly among a race. Of course, not everyone are like that but some are.
We love to savour the wonderful variety of food around us. We actually embrace some of these foods. We like Tony Roma's, McDonalds, KFC, Nando's to name a few. We have Japanese, Italian, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Taiwanese, Swedish and German food in shopping centres. People from other countries like to eat roti canai, nasi lemak, various kinds of laksa, rojak, dim sum, curry mee, mangosteen, and others. Some of them can take durians too. There are Malaysian restaurants in Australia and UK.
We love to savour the wonderful variety of food around us. We actually embrace some of these foods. We like Tony Roma's, McDonalds, KFC, Nando's to name a few. We have Japanese, Italian, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Taiwanese, Swedish and German food in shopping centres. People from other countries like to eat roti canai, nasi lemak, various kinds of laksa, rojak, dim sum, curry mee, mangosteen, and others. Some of them can take durians too. There are Malaysian restaurants in Australia and UK.
However, godly people should not hold judgement against others. We should be neutral to them. We are called to love one another just as God loved us.
34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another (John 13:34 NIV)
34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another (John 13:34 NIV)
Please respect and tolerate each other's culture and religion. Please do not discriminate against each other. Please be fair to one another. Please be neutral with one another. Please do not be bias toward one another. Let us display that God's love is unconditional. Let us live with one another peacefully and harmoniously.
Make that CHANGE!
I’m starting with the man in the mirror
I’m asking him to change his ways
And no message could have
Been any clearer
Man in the Mirror lyrics by Loglar.com