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Bible Verse of the Day

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sergeant Keroro

Hi Everyone, Sergeant Keroro is a very funny anime that talks about 5 amphibians (frog) led by Sergeant Keroro himself to take over the world known as Pekopon. They come from the Keron country. Each attempt to take over world failed miserably. Enjoy the hilarious acts of Sergeant Keroro and the gang on Pekopon. While they were at Pekopon, they are under the care a human. Sergeant Keroro is kept busy doing house chores at the Hinata's house. Characters: Sergeant Keroro (Green) The Leader of the Keroro gang Under the care of Fuyuki Hinata The Hinata family consists of Fuyuki, his sister, Natsumi and their mum, Aki Hinata Likes to make Gundam models and watch the Admiral Geroro show He is helping out at the Hinata's with the house chores. He can be lazy sometimes. Private Tamama (Dark Blue) Cute and lovely character of the show Can throw a huge fireball from his mouth which gives a very bad damage. It is called Tamama's Impact. Under the care of Momoka Jealous of anyone who gets to Sergeant Keroro especailly Angel Mois who is an Earth Destroyer. Angel Mois is actually Keroro's cousin. Her duty is to destroy the world. Can see her in action in certain episodes. She likes Sergeant Keroro. Giroro (Purple) Skilled and trained in combat and firearms Serious in his duties to take over the world He likes Natsumi He thinks Sergeant Keroro is not serious in his duties as a leader Kururu (Yellow) He is the intelligence member of the gang He invents things and makes gadgets. He is technologically sound. He has a trademark laugh (Ke Ke Ke) His eyes are spirals Under the care of Saburo Dororo (Light Blue) The quietest member of the gang Trained in ninja Under the care of Koyuki where she saved Dororo while he was in a trap when he was separated from his platoon Sometimes got left out in the gang Below are the 2nd opening and closing theme songs of Season 2 of the show. They are quite catchy. Sergeant Keroro is currently showing on Animax, Astro Channel 715 at 1800. It is repeated at 2100 and weekends either Saturday or Sunday. Opening Theme 2 Closing Theme 5 It is a hilarious anime. The episodes could be very funny sometimes. Will have a good laugh.

Just Some Thoughts

Hi Everyone,
Is money the most important thing in our lives? How about cars or houses? Well, all these are important but as a Christian, God is the most important in our lives. We are serving God as an expression of thanksgiving and in everything that we say or we do, it is for His glory.
We are told to earn as much money as possible to support our family and ourselves. Maybe also to support the church too if we are Christians. It may be true in some churches that the more you give, the better you will be blessed. Not that money is not important but our focus should not be only money. Please buy things that are within your budget. Do not overspend it until we have not much left. We should be content with what we have. Call it a blessing if you have more. Spend your money wisely. Yes, we can buy the things that we like but at the same time, we also need to think if it is important to us. If it is too expensive now, we can opt to buy it later. Save more and buy it at a later date. At that time, it may be cheaper or a new model may be launched. Buy when there are discounts unless we could not help it when the need arises.


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