This is a Christian song on unity, Let Us Be One Voice. I've attached two videos from Youtube. The first one is sang by Daniel Choo. The second video was taken in a church where they sang the song and the video has the lyrics there. These are the only few songs that I've found on Youtube. It talks about Christian unity.
As a Christian, we are also praying for unity in the world. Unity among all people regardless of race and location. Together we can live harmoniously and respectful of each other. The world will be in peace if we are united. As Christians, we are united because we are Brothers and Sisters in Christ. We will meet in Heaven.
I may be thinking of talking about conflicts in one of my future posts. It will talk about conflicts and the various methods that can be used to resolve it. These methods include a win-win situation, a win-lose situation and a compromise situation. Read it before when I did my university assignment.
Please enjoy the song. I have included in the lyrics and music score as well after the videos.
1Key: D
Verse 1:
G A/G F#m Bm
Father we ask of You this day
Em D/F# A
Come and heal our land
Knit our hearts together
F# Bm
That Your glory may be seen in us
Em D/F#
Then the world will know
That Jesus Christ is Lord!
D D/F#
Let us be one voice
G A7
That glorifies Your name
D D/F#
Let us be one voice
G A7
Declaring that You reign
F# F#/A#
Let us be one voice
Bm - Bm/A - E7/G#
In love and harmony
Em A D
And we pray O God, grant us unity
Verse 2:
Now is the time for you and I
To join our hearts in praise
That the name of Jesus
Will be lifted high above the earth
Then the world will know
That Jesus Christ is Lord